Measure your scope length and fit it to the size that best matches your needs. The larger covers are a 4" deep fit for full protection. Our Scope Cover is made of thick stretchable neoprene material designed to protect your scope from the elements while in use but equally important is while you are in travel. One bump to a scope can cause it to be knocked off its sighted adjustment. The recovery strap is designed to prevent the cover from being lost in the heat of the moment. The strap is two straps that come together to create the loop needed, this allows you to wrap the forearm of the rifle without removing the rifle sling. The pull strap allows you to pull the cover off quickly without fumbling around. With the expense of scopes today you can't afford not to have it protected.
They also help prevent dirt from entering the magazine area keeping your action clean and free to move smoothly.
Your cover should fit snug and last many years. Choose the correct length for your scope.